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Performing Arts: Find Articles

Access to Library Resources

How can I get help from the library while the building is closed?
Faculty and students may use the Ask-a-Librarian and chat services for help accessing the library’s print and electronic resources.


Go to the library's website, click on LibGuides or Databases then click on 

LibChat Schedule for Fall 2022

Sunday noon-8:00pm ;  Monday-Thursday 8am-8pm ; Friday 8am-5pm


Chronicling America

The Jackson Advocate

The longest running African American weekly in Mississippi, the eight-page Jackson Advocate was founded in 1939 by World War I veteran Percy Greene. For more information

The Appeal

The Western Appeal and the Appeal were noted African-American weekly newspapers published in St. Paul, Minnesota. For more information

The Richmond Planet

First published in 1882, and founded by 13 former Richmond slaves, the Planet was initially edited by Edmund Archer Randolph, the first African American graduate of Yale Law School. For more information

Arizona Tribune

 Edward and Eloise Banks established the Arizona Tribune Pictorial Weekly in July 1958, with the slogan on its editorial page: "All that is needed to remedy the evils of our times is to do justice and give freedom." For more information

Detroit Trubune

Published in Detroit, Michigan between 1935-1966. For more information

Article Databases in 5 Minutes

Posted with permission from North Carolina State University Libraries.


Use the WorldCat database to also find articles.  

WorldCat is an enormous online catalog that contains the catalogs of libraries from all over the world.    The catalog also contains digitized texts and archival materials, so it can be a great way to find primary sources.

Databases Available at Langston Hughes Memorial Library