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Writing: Citations & Reference

How do I cite?

What is a citation?

A citation...

  • describes a book, journal article, website, or other item

  • gives credit to the originator of an idea

  • enables the reader to access the cited item.

You must cite a source that you are using if you paraphrase or summarize any of the ideas given in the work AND if you use a direct quote from the resource (word-for-word).  Citations are not just for word-for-word quotations; they must be used when you mention any ideas or information from a source.

Online Writing Center-Purdue Owl

The Owl/the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue University) can help you with your writing assignments. Below is the website's navigation tab for all aspects covered.


Why Reference?

Featured Site: Using English

This site is mainly to help support English as a Second Language (ESOL) teachers & students. The site contains extensive supporting material for vocabulary and grammar.


Featured Site: Writing Commons




Online Writing Center-Excelsior

The Excelsior Online Writing Lab (Excelsior College) can help with your writing assignments. Below is the website's navigation tab listing every aspect covered.