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Human Services: Professional Organizations

Human services is an interdisciplinary field of study with the objective of meeting human needs through an applied knowledge base

Common Human Services Organizations

An individual who tends to work in Human Services, will commit to improve the overall quality of life of the communities he/she intends serves.

With the help of professional Human Services organizations, new approaches to human services mean that individual providers have more resources to do their work effectively in communities. Below are the top five Professional Organizations working to assist professionals in their work to serve others. Some offer memberships to students as they work hard to finish their degrees in social work, psychology, counseling, and other human services areas of focus. Other organizations mainly focus on resources for educators and practitioners.

National Organization for Human Services

NOHS is a membership organization that works to transform individuals and communities.

They do this by providing professional development opportunities, promoting certifications, and advocating for social change.

Common -Human -Services -Professional- Organizations

American Public Human Services Association

APHSA is a bipartisan membership organization that represents state and local health and human services.

Membership is for local, state, and social leaders in human services.

American Counseling Association

The organization works in a variety of settings and serves in multiple capacities, including helping people become a counselor, therapist or psychologist.

Council for Standards in Human Services Education

Membership is geared to colleges and universities wanting to help human service educators and administrators access efficient and effective education to their students. Training and evidence-based education is focused on the mental health communities.

National Council On Family Relations

This organize annual conferences that bring new practices, treatments, or methods of counseling to light.

American Society for Public Administration

Center for Credentialing and Education

National Association for Social Workers

US Department of Health and Human Services