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Research: Citations

This is a general topical guide on some basics about research and its importance.

How to Cite

What is a citation?

A citation...

  • describes a book, journal article, website, or other item                            
  • gives credit to the originator of an idea
  • enables the reader to access the cited item.

You must cite a source that you are using if you paraphrase or summarize any of the ideas given in the work AND if you use a direct quote from the resource (word-for-word).  Citations are not just for word-for-word quotations; they must be used when you mention any ideas or information from a source.

Enhancing Your Skills

Writing Support Online

The Excelsior Online Writing Lab, hosted by Excelsior College, can help you with each step of your writing assignments. Below is the website's navigation tab listing every aspect covered.


Why Reference?

Citation Manuals

Every discipline has their own citation style, however, every person/professor is different and they may have a preference for a different citation style, or prefer that you use an older format for citations.  The books below are examples of the texts that can assist you with properly citing your sources.


Online Writing Center-Purdue Owl

The Owl/the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue University) can help you with your writing assignments. Below is the website's navigation tab for all aspects covered.
